Monday, January 9, 2012

We have to sacrifice - to save lives

Here's a comment from one of our long standing prayer warriors:

""Can I pray over you?" It is after midnight and this is the question asked of us by a middle-aged man so moved by two people praying outside the Campbell St abortion mill at Bowen Hills in Brisbane that he felt compelled to stop on his way to his nightshift. We said yes and we were deeply moved as he prayed protection over us for the role we were playing in raising the awareness of the harm done by abortion to our Queensland men, women and babies. His prayers were a wonderful 'reward' for being a protector of the unborn.

We may never see the women who don't turn up for their abortions because of the sacrifice we make in giving up our comfy beds, leaving our airconditioned homes and offices, fighting the peak hour traffic, suffering the driving rain, or enduring the sneers and barping horns of those passing who shriek"choice" at us. We may never meet the babies who are free to grow up and see rainbows and paddle in the waves, or interact with the dads that have stepped up to the mark when they found there was an unexpected baby on the way. We may never see the radiant smiles on the faces of the nonnas and grandmas as they hold their precious grandchild in their arms for the first time, their hearts spared from breaking because you prayed outside an abortion mill.

But pray outside that mill anyway. Please feel compelled to join the peaceful prayer campaign organised by the 40 Days of Prayer for Life team - sign up now. The unseen mums, bubs, dads, grandmas and granddads are already thanking you for it!"

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